This is accurate, and therefore SO depressing! I have to think about this a lot. I don't disagree with your categories, but I think some of them are additive ... eg power-hungry are also the extremists, but devious enough, lucky enough, to have manipulated themselves into positions of power. Do you really think that MTG is not a power-hungry R? I think any PHR politician is also an extremist. I think I would add a group I would label Fomenters, because their mission is spreading disinformation, creating and preying on fear. I think there is a lot of crossover, as you indicate. Romney, Cheney, Kitzinger & a few others should be trying to pull together a coalition, because there are others out there (Curtis & Moore both voted for the 1/6 Commission), but 1) I am not optimistic either and 2) I can't get past the rotten ones to appreciate the good ones ... because of the complicity issue. You can't pick and choose what moral/social values to overlook.

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You're completely correct. In reality, it's impossible to lump people into categories like this (I said it was a dangerous effort!) and many of them crossover for sure. So maybe these are just archetypes and people can display one or more types all at once, at different times, or not at all.

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